Building a Sleek Blog in a Snap with Dancer2 and LiteBlog

A Word of Introduction

Perl has a curious way of never truly releasing its grip on a programmer. Recently, I felt the need to revamp my website, but the idea of spawning another Wordpress docker image on my server felt really overkill for what I had in mind. I wanted to do something super simple, with a landing page, a bit of info about my social profiles and, maybe, some articles if I wish to write content here and there.

It had been a decade since I last delved into Perl code, but then I saw the release of Dancer2 1.0.0, announced by Jason. That was all I needed to truly awaken from my hibernation.

So I decided to revisit my first programming love and see how rusty my Perl skills were.

As it turns out, not only did I really enjoy building my website from the ground up using Dancer2, but it also became clear that I had curated enough material to craft a reusable plugin.

And here was LiteBlog, a plugin able to change a Dancer2 app into a sleek, responsive, and file-based blogging engine.

The 2023 edition of this Dancer Advent Calendar is the perfect chance for me to share a bit about Liteblog, explain its features, and perhaps convince you to update your own personal site with it (why not!).

The Concept Behind LiteBlog

Minimalism stands at the core of LiteBlog. The aim was to design something uncluttered and lightweight — true to the spirit of Dancer itself.

The system is designed to work without traditional databases. Instead, everything from articles to configurations is manageable via static files in YAML or Markdown formats.

As I aimed for a modern and responsive design that follows the latest HTML/CSS best practices, I decided to use Chat-GPT as my virtual web designer. As you may know, it excels in this area, especially when given detailed prompts for each design element. Iterating with it step by step, I managed to get great HTML/CSS content that matched exactly what I had in mind for the expected render.

Currently, Dancer2::Plugin::LiteBlog has reached version 0.05. It is stable and ready to serve as the backbone for your blog or personal site should you decide to give it a try.

In this article, I'll detail its standout features, show how to bootstrap a Liteblog site, and guide you through the content creation process.

If you want to see LiteBlog in action right away, you can head over to my site:

Scaffolding a Dancer2 app into a Liteblog site

In a nutshell, Liteblog is crafted for those who appreciate minimalism. Editing YAML and Markdown file is the only thing you need to craft content and fine-tune your Liteblog site. There is no database involved, on-purpose.

Before LiteBlog can work its magic, you need a Dancer2 app. Generate it:

$ dancer2 gen -a my_app

Then, run the LiteBlog scaffolder from within the application directory:

$ cd my_app
$ liteblog
-scaffold .

This command populates your app directory with LiteBlog's assets, such as CSS files, views, and even starter content.

To hook it all up, modify the main app module to enable the LiteBlog plugin:

package My::App;
use Dancer2;
use Dancer2::Plugin::LiteBlog;



Now, your Dancer2 app is a Liteblog. A default '/' route is defined, and widgets (that can be defined in your liteblog's settings) can also define their own routes. The blog engine is actually a Liteblog Widget. But let's just see what happens right there, when Liteblog is invoked from a pure Dancer2 app.

Just launch your app and open its URL with your browser. You'll be greeted with a splash screen:

$ plackup bin/app.psgi

Follow the on-screen instructions to enable features and widgets by adding the provided config snippet to your 'config.yml', then restart.

Now, you have Activities cards enabled on the home and a nice article that you can read thanks to the Blog widget.

Publishing content

LiteBlog makes content creation intuitive. Articles reside in a specified root directory as markdown files with coresponding 'meta.yml' for metadata. To publish, go in your articles/ folder (it has been created by the scaffolder), and then follow theses steps:

Create a directory for the category of your post (if not, the article will be considered a page). Note that the directory name is the post slug.

Inside, you first need to create the metadata file: meta.yml. It is mandatory and should at least contain a title. Here is an example of a valid metadata file for an article:

: "Some Great LiteBlog Article"
: "featured.jpg"
- "perl"
- "dancer"

Finally, you can now create the file, which, as its name suggests, should be written in Markdown format and will be used as the actual content of the article.

The easiest way to get started is to edit the scaffolded article provided once you bootstrap your Liteblog app.

Main features of a Liteblog site

As of version 0.05, LiteBlog's toolbox includes:

  • Activities cards: Display your profiles and activities in an elegant grid.
  • Blog engine: Effortlessly manage and publish articles.
  • Caching system: Speed up page rendering without breaking a sweat.
  • Responsive design: Your blog will look great on any device.
  • Highlight.js support: Syntax highlighting for articles featuring code.

Deploying as a Docker image

It's quite classic these days to go with a Docker image for deployment. In case you want to build a Docker image for your Liteblog site, I have everything you need.

Here is a Dockerfile to build your LiteBlog image:

# Use a recent Debian release as base
FROM debian

# Install required packages
RUN apt
-get update && \
-get install -y perl cpanminus libdbi-perl build-essential libssl-dev libexpat1-dev && \
-get clean && \
-rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install Dancer2, Starman, and other necessary CPAN modules
RUN cpanm -n Dancer2 Starman

# Install LiteBlog and its dependencies
RUN set -e; \
    cpanm --installdeps -n Dancer2::Plugin::LiteBlog || (cat /root/.cpanm/work/*/
build.log && false)

set -e; \
    cpanm Dancer2
::Plugin::LiteBlog || (cat /root/.cpanm/work/*/build.log && false)

# Set the environment for Dancer2

# Copy your Dancer2 application to the container
COPY . /app

# Set working directory

# Expose the port Starman will run on

# Start the Dancer2 application with Starman
CMD ["starman", "--workers=2", "bin/app.psgi", "-p", "5000"]

More info & Contributing

To see LiteBlog in action, visit:

You can also read about the story behind Liteblog on my site.

To contribute or report issues, head over to GitHub:

And don't forget to show your support on CPAN:


This article was written by Alexis Sukrieh for the Dancer Advent Calendar 2023.