How to avoid XSS issues easily
XSS (fancy-talk for "Cross Side Scripting") is the security attack of injecting javascript into a page so that some other poor user will accidentally run unintentionally (and often with no knowledge of it either). Pretty cool, huh? Also pretty destructive.
The trick about XSS
The entire trick about XSS is that is works using a bigger principle of which you must have heard: Code injection!
The trick about code injections
Code injections only work due to one mistake we make. Here is the trick: trust. Trust is the problem. Just trust.
Ne? Never!
Of course we all know not to trust users. So why does this still happen? Because we don't realize where we implicitly trust them. Here's an example: Parameters in templates and queries.
Probably the most common source of XSS attacks is our templates.
When we render a template, we provide a user with something to display, but because it's HTML, we also provide them with something they can run. If the template renders as HTML, the HTML can contain Javascript. It can be at the end, or even embedded.
Every HTML can contain Javascript.
Uh oh. This means that if we create the HTML... we can accidentally create HTML that can contain Javascript. If a user can control how the HTML is created, a user can control what kind of Javascript is created with it, even if it wasn't supposed to contain any code.
Let's write a small example in Perl:
my $name_from_user = prompt('Please enter your name: '); render_template( 'template.tmpl', { 'name' => $name_from_user' } );
Now let's assume the user gave the following as the name:
Sawyer<javascript>alert("Hey, what's up?")</javascript>
This means that if we just use the variable name
in the template,
we're accidentally adding Javascript code. Thus, XSS is born!
Why is this bad?
If I registered with that name, and Alice goes to a page that shows all the usernames, then Alice gets HTML that has my code in it. Alice's browser runs the Javascript and now gets a pop-up.
Next time instead of a pop-up, I can just have it send the current browser cookies and passwords to some remote server I have.
Or maybe I want to force Alice to go to some other website using a Javascript redirect and try to get her to purchase a product on which I get a commission? (I honestly did not just come up with it, I had to resolve such a problem.)
Or maybe one of the other options I have when I can just run any Javascript code I want.
Another such example of trusted parameters is in queries. By using parameters we provided from the user in our queries, we provide inherent trust in their content as legal, correct, valid, and non-destructive SQL. That's often not the case, whether in honest mistake or in malice.
If you are using value placeholders in DBI, you're at least ahead of the curb, making sure it will get quoted correctly, but if you're just creating your own SQL code by using variables in the construction, you're putting yourself and your data at risk.
But now you're thinking, "I know about this. I just escape all my variables". Good job! But what do you do about parameters? Do you validate and escape them before using them? Have you ever used a parameter in your template?
Imagine the following code:
get '/' => sub { my $name_from_user = query_parameters->get('name'); # render the "index" template template 'index' => { 'name' => $name_from_user, }; };
The above code, the likes of which has been spotted by security, does just that. He takes input from the user and sends it to the template to be used. Injection complete.
get '/' => sub { if ( failed_to_do_something ) { redirect '/error?This%20Failed'; } ... };
Now we redirect to a page that uses the parameter to know what the error message is, it's content verbatim. A user that sees it can provide a different error instead and send it to someone else, in which case the error string can be javascript code that steals information. Whoops again!
To fix, we can apply any of the following mechanisms:
Continue to HTML escape every variable used, either in routing code or in the template.
Check user input better. If it's not a simple string, it fails. Make sure you allow Unicode character where appropriate!
In the example of the error, we could provide a key for a known error (like
) and check that it's only a digit and only display the correlating error messages, which we have full control over.
Escaping in the template is a good practice, since it is the boundary between one system and another. However, the boundary between the user input and your variables exists as well, and defending against it is also important.
The conclusion is simple: Parameters are not variables.
While many of the template variables were at some point parameters from a user, there is still a fundamental difference between them. This difference (which makes the basis for all of these mistakes) is that parameters and template variables are substantially different things.
Parameters come from the user. Template variables come from us. While we can trust ourselves (for the most part), we cannot trust what comes from the user, whether it's maliciously or just an honest mistake.
Separating the two protects us from mistakenly using one verbatim for the other, and keeping the security team off our back. :)
This article has been written by Sawyer X for the Perl Dancer Advent Calendar 2016.
No copyright retained. Enjoy.
Sawyer X.