Storing sessions in cookies
History of stateful HTTP
Since HTTP is a stateless protocol each request-response pair is independent. There's no state kept between responses (hence stateless). This feature of HTTP turned out to be both a blessing that allowed the web to scale so well and a hoop to jump through for developers of websites where the design requires keeping of state between page loads.
Well, this deficiency is a thing of the past since Netscape invented HTTP cookies in 1994. Cookies provide an elegant way of emulating application state by transferring a piece of data from server out-of-band and keeping it on the client side. This piece is tied to a particular set of web pages via its parameters and is sent alongside each request from client back to server so that the server could restore the state and serve the request in a particular context.
Early uses of cookies included shopping carts that stored a list of selected goods right in the cookie until the purchase was completed. Then personalised web came and lots of websites introduced "my" sections (e.g. My Yahoo) which required users to sign up/sign in to their accounts. Storing login credentials in cookies is inherently insecure both for users who risk losing them to eavesdroppers on open networks and for websites because cookies could be tampered with by malicious clients.
So sessions emerged. The trick is to store data securely in the database while delivering a cookie with only a session identifier. The identifiers are taken from a huge space so that guessing or brute-forcing become infeasible. This is the most popular way of implementing statefulness over HTTP since then.
Problems with sessions
The problems arise with load. Each and every request inside a session required a database query to retrieve the session data by its identifier or to prove the session invalid. Usability concerns require sessions to be long (all those "remember me on this computer" check boxes) and that means a session store should have room for a huge number of sessions while being sufficiently fast to serve a query for each page hit.
Modern websites try to work around session storage problems by using special storages like Memcached and there's a Dancer::Session::Memcached plugin to implement such a scheme in a Dancer application. That usually means replacing the database problems with Memcached problems, like Memcached not being persistent between reboots or not guaranteeing storage for any long period of time due to being a cache and not a general purpose database.
Using cookies more
There's an old Russian saying - "everything new is well-forgotten old" and that is exactly what is going on with storing sessions in cookies like in the old times of first shopping carts. The trick is that there is another good way of securing your sessions which does not involve any database and that is cryptography. Server stores session data on the client side in encrypted cookies.
Basically, server sends this HTTP header:
Set-Cookie: s=base64(encrypt(serialize($session_hash)))
Client will return this cookie with each subsequent request and server will check the validity of the data by reversing all the operations it performed when creating the cookie and verifying the embedded checksum. It will then have the session data readily available without any database access. Mismatched checksum means invalid (same as expired) session and also gives a hint about a tampering attempt going on.
Little can be added to this. This method is not new and is in production use on some of the most loaded websites in the world for years. It is a kind of well-kept secret of doing secure stateful HTTP under heavy load. Personally, I tend to use it everywhere I can because it is also simpler than creating a server-side session store.
The reason it is not used more widely, I think, lies in the frameworks which power a large percentage of all new websites and do not implement this mechanism. Fortunately, Dancer is not one of them.
Using cookies to store sessions in Dancer
The session plugin Dancer::Session::Cookie implements encrypted cookies storage for sessions in a Dancer application. I wrote it more than a year ago and it had very little changes since then because it's very simple and there's little room for bugs to fix or for improvements.
To install the plugin you will need three modules from CPAN which are not in base perl distribution: Crypt::Rijndael, Crypt::CBC for encryption/decryption and String::CRC32 for the checksum which is used to validate sessions.
After installation, add these lines to your config.yml:
session: "cookie" session_cookie_key: "random encryption key"
You should initialise your session_cookie_key with a random string of 16 or more characters right away to ensure the uniqueness of your encryption. You should also implement protection for config.yml by setting some permissions and not pushing it to GitHub :) Compromised encryption key may potentially lead to all sorts of bad things.
Session expiration may be implemented on both sides. First, by using a built-in expiration features of HTTP cookies. But since the client is not trusted you can also save session creation time right inside that session and check it when you validate sessions. Automatic expiration is not implemented in Dancer::Session::Cookie, patches are welcome.
There's a limit on the size of cookies but it varies across browsers. A good practical limit to use is 4096 bytes - supported in all major browsers for a long time. This is plenty of space and if your sessions do not fit this is probably a sign of something strange happening.
See Dancer::Session for details about session usage in route handlers.
See Plack::Middleware::Session::Cookie, Catalyst::Plugin::CookiedSession, Mojolicious::Controller/session for alternative implementation of this mechanism.
This article has been written by Alex Kapranoff for the Perl Dancer Advent Calendar 2010.
Copyright (C) 2010 by Alex Kapranoff <>