Perl Dancer Advent Calendar 2018

The Twelve Days of Dancer

Happy Christmas, and welcome to the Dancer team's advent calendar for 2018! We've gone for a cut-down "twelve days of Dancer" approach due to a shortage of quality posts and time - we'd rather put out fewer, better articles than just a load of filler.

Other years: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2016 2020 2023

Full article list

Here's a full list of the previous posts with their titles:

  1. The Twelve Days of Dancer
  2. Dancer Survey Result Recap
  3. Dancer2::Plugin::Paginator - Born Again
  4. Using Minion in Dancer Apps
  5. Dancer and Email
  6. Customizing and extending your Dancer2 application generation
  7. Logging with Dancer2::Logger::Log4perl
  8. Testing Dancer with Test::Mojo
  9. Spam and bot prevention without the use of CAPTCHAs
  10. Parameter testing with Dancer2::Plugin::ParamTypes
  11. Dancer2::Logger::Console::Colored
  12. What's next for Dancer? (looking into the future)