Hidden feature: Auto Pages
One feature we love in Dancer (both Dancer 1 and Dancer 2) is the AutoPage feature.
Most websites provide web pages - multiple web pages. Many web pages will have a template and not just static content.
Rendering a template is simple:
get '/users/view' => sub { template 'view' => {...}; };
Assuming we have over 40 different pages, this becomes an arduous task of writing endpoints for each template, then keeping those up-to-date and continuing to add more.
If only. If only someone would have come up with a feature that allowed automatically rendering templates by path. If only someone named David Precious, who is now handling the absurd responsibility of fatherhood while leaving Sawyer X to handle the Dancer Advent Calendar all on his own, would have that idea and have already implemented it in Dancer 1, thus having it available from the early days of Dancer 2... oh wait, he did!
AutoPage is a simple feature that you would love. Turning it on is as simple as:
set auto_page => 1;
or in your configuration file:
auto_page: 1
Dancer will take care of the rest.
At this point, you might be wondering what it really does.
Behind the scenes
What AutoPage does is very simple: when a request was not served by a static file or by a user defined route, it looks for a template that matches the path. If it finds one, it renders it.
This means that the request /users/edit
will first try to match a
file, failing that it will try to match a route, and then, if still
unsuccessful, it will go to AutoPage. AutoPage will search for
a template under views/users/
named edit.tt
, assuming your views
directory is views
and your templating engine default extension is
AutoPage will adhere to your views
and your templating system
extension, so if those change, it will still work. It will also not
render the layouts themselves, so you don't need to worry about someone
being a smart-ass.
Another reason it's awesome
By fully rendering a template, not just statically serving it, you have the full range of request variables. That means that any code in your templates that requires variables (or callbacks) will work:
# in layout/main.tt: Served by [% dancer_version %]
This will work just fine. But what about variables we're adding in
our code using the before_template_render
# in MyApp.pm: use Time::HiRes 'time'; hook before_template_render => sub { my $tokens = shift; $tokens->{'timestamp'} = time; }; # in users/edit.tt: Request timestamp: [% timestamp %]
Why would you put the timestamp there? I don't know. It's yet another contrived example that shows how you can add variables that will be accessible to the template rendered by AutoPage.
The AutoPage feature is probably one of the nicest subtle features in Dancer. We don't hide it, but we also don't make it abundantly clear to users how awesome it is and how you most likely want to use it.
At the end of the day, this feature also serves as yet another reason to buy David Precious a drink, which will finally force him to come to some public Perl event. This is all part of our secret plan.
This article has been written by Sawyer X for the Perl Dancer Advent Calendar 2014.
No copyright retained. Enjoy.
2014 // Sawyer X <xsawyerx@cpan.org>